The Currency of Freedom: Degrowth, UBI, and the DisCO Path to Postcapitalism


Imagine a world where the relentless pursuit of economic growth is no longer the defining principle of society. Where the ticking clock of quarterly profits and the siren song of endless consumption have faded into the background. Where the true measure of prosperity is not GDP, but the well-being of people and the health of the planet. This is the vision of degrowth, a radical reimagining of our economic system that challenges the very foundations of the capitalist assemblage.

Unchaining Desire from the Capitalist Machine

Degrowth is not about austerity or a return to a romanticized past. It’s about a deliberate and intentional downshifting of our economic activity, a shift in our values and priorities, to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable future. It’s about recognizing that the capitalist growth imperative, with its insatiable hunger for resources and its relentless drive for expansion, is pushing us towards ecological and social collapse.

This shift, of course, requires a fundamental rethinking of money. As Anitra Nelson eloquently argues in “Beyond Money,” money is not a neutral tool of exchange but the very lifeblood of the capitalist machine. It’s the currency of desire, the fuel that powers the engine of consumption, and the metric by which we measure success, status, and even our own self-worth.

But what if we could create a different currency, a currency of freedom? A currency that liberates us from the precarity of wage labor and empowers us to contribute to the common good? This is where the DisCO revolution comes in, offering a tantalizing glimpse of a post-capitalist future where money is no longer a tool of domination but a catalyst for collective liberation.

DisCOs: Dancing to a Different Rhythm

Distributed Cooperative Organizations (DisCOs) are challenging the state assemblage’s grip on the monetary system, by experimenting with alternative currencies, redefining value, and building a more democratic and participatory economy. These vibrant communities, scattered across the globe, are like laboratories of postcapitalist experimentation, exploring new ways of organizing work, producing value, and relating to each other and the natural world.

Here’s how DisCOs are hacking the code of the monetary system and charting a degrowth path to postcapitalism:

1. Decommodifying Labor and Life

DisCOs are decommodifying labor by challenging the traditional wage relation and creating alternative forms of value creation and exchange. They recognize that work is not just about earning a paycheck; it’s about contributing to the common good, pursuing one’s passions, and building a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • Value Flows: Instead of relying solely on market-based measures of value, DisCOs utilize “value flows” accounting systems, which recognize and reward the diverse contributions of their members, including care work, reproductive labor, and the production of commons. This approach challenges the capitalist logic of quantification and commodification, acknowledging the multifaceted nature of human activity.
  • Alternative Currencies: DisCOs are experimenting with local currencies, timebanks, and mutual credit systems, creating new circuits of exchange that operate outside the dominant monetary system and foster a more localized and sustainable economy. Imagine a community where neighbors exchange goods and services using a local currency, strengthening their bonds and reducing their dependence on global markets.
  • Capped Returns: To prevent the concentration of wealth and power, some DisCOs are implementing “capped returns” investment models, limiting the financial returns that investors can receive and ensuring that profits are reinvested in the organization’s social and ecological mission.

2. Localizing Production

DisCOs are shifting away from the globalized, extractive economy of capitalism and building more localized and resilient systems of production. This aligns with the degrowth agenda, which emphasizes the importance of reducing our ecological footprint and reconnecting with our local communities and ecosystems.

  • Territorial Assemblages: Rooted in specific territories, DisCOs like Laneras and Cooperation Jackson are revitalizing local economies, supporting sustainable agriculture, and fostering a sense of place and belonging. They understand that genuine prosperity begins with strengthening the bonds between people and the land.
  • Fab Cities: DisCOs are contributing to the emergence of “fab cities,” urban centers that are increasingly self-sufficient in the production of essential goods and services. Imagine a city with a network of neighborhood-based workshops, equipped with 3D printers, laser cutters, and other digital fabrication tools, where residents can create their own products, repair broken items, and share their knowledge and skills. This shift towards local production not only reduces our dependence on global supply chains, but also creates opportunities for more meaningful and fulfilling work.

3. Embracing a Post-Work Imaginary

DisCOs are not just about creating better jobs; they are about re-envisioning work itself. They understand that in a world of increasing automation and technological unemployment, the traditional 40-hour workweek may become obsolete. They are experimenting with new models of work-life balance, fostering a culture of creativity, and exploring the potential for a post-work future where individuals are free to pursue their passions and contribute to the common good.

  • Universal Basic Income (UBI): DisCOs see UBI as a potential tool for liberating individuals from the precarity of wage labor and providing a safety net in a rapidly changing economy. This aligns with De Angelis’ concept of the commons as a space for individual emancipation and the pursuit of the good life. Imagine a world where everyone receives a basic income, freeing them to pursue their passions, contribute to their communities, and explore new forms of work and creativity.
  • Balanced Job Complexes: DisCOs are promoting “balanced job complexes,” where individuals engage in a mix of livelihood work, lovework (pro-bono work for the common good), and carework. This model challenges the traditional division of labor and creates a more holistic and fulfilling work experience.

4. Building a Partner State

DisCOs recognize that the state assemblage, even in its current neoliberal form, can play a role in supporting the transition to a postcapitalist future. They are advocating for policies that:

  • Promote Degrowth: DisCOs are calling for a shift in government priorities, away from the endless pursuit of GDP growth towards a focus on social and ecological well-being. This involves implementing policies that reduce our ecological footprint, promote sustainable consumption, and support the development of a more localized and resilient economy.
  • Empower the Commons: DisCOs are advocating for policies that recognize and support the commons, creating legal frameworks that protect shared resources, and providing funding for commons-based initiatives.
  • Implement UBI: DisCOs are working with governments to explore the feasibility and implementation of UBI programs, seeing it as a crucial step towards a more just and equitable society.

The Nomadic Assemblage: Connecting the Global DisCO Diaspora

DisCOs are not isolated entities; they are part of a growing global network, a DisCO diaspora that is interconnected by the nomadic assemblage. This network, facilitated by digital platforms and online communities, allows DisCOs to share knowledge, resources, and practices across geographical and cultural boundaries. This transnational collaboration is crucial for strengthening the movement, amplifying its impact, and building a more resilient and interconnected commons-centric future.

The Postcapitalist Assemblage: A World Beyond Money?

DisCOs, through their experimentation with alternative currencies, decommodification, and post-work imaginaries, are offering a glimpse of a future where money is no longer the defining force shaping our lives and our societies. It’s a future where the values of cooperation, care, and sustainability guide economic activity, and where the common good takes precedence over individual profit.

The DisCO path to postcapitalism is not a utopian fantasy but a work in progress, a journey of collective experimentation, and a bold challenge to the dominant economic paradigm. It is a journey that requires us to reimagine money, to unchain it from its capitalist shackles, and to create a new currency of freedom that empowers us to build a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.

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