From Global Sourcing to Local Production: DisCOs and the Re-enchantment of Work


The 21st century workplace is at a crossroads. Globalization, automation, and the relentless pursuit of efficiency have left many feeling alienated, exploited, and adrift in a sea of precarious gigs and meaningless tasks. Yet amidst this landscape of disenchantment, a new movement is emerging, seeking to reclaim the dignity, purpose, and joy of work. This is the DisCO revolution – a global network of Distributed Cooperative Organizations pioneering a future where collaboration, sustainability, and care are the driving forces of the economy.

DisCOs: Rewriting the Rules of the Game

DisCOs are not just a new type of business model; they are a radical re-imagining of how we organize work, produce value, and relate to each other and the world around us. They challenge the fundamental assumptions of the Capitalist Assemblage, which prioritizes profit maximization and the commodification of labor, by embracing a different set of values:

  • Cooperation Over Competition: DisCOs foster collaboration, mutual aid, and a shared sense of purpose, breaking down the artificial barriers between workers and creating a more supportive and fulfilling work environment.
  • Care at the Core: DisCOs recognize and value the crucial role of care work and reproductive labor, traditionally marginalized and undervalued by the market, understanding that the well-being of individuals and communities is essential for a truly sustainable economy. This directly confronts the limitations of the State Assemblage, which often fails to recognize and support the social reproduction necessary for a functioning society.
  • Local Production, Global Connections: DisCOs prioritize local production, strengthening regional economies and building community resilience, while also connecting with other initiatives around the world through the Nomadic Assemblage to share knowledge, resources, and build a global commons of postcapitalist practices.

This shift in values is not just a utopian ideal; it is being put into practice by a growing network of DisCO Labs around the world.

Weaving a Tapestry of Care: DisCOs and the Re-enchantment of Work

DisCOs are re-enchanting work by creating spaces where individuals can contribute their unique talents, passions, and skills to projects that are meaningful, impactful, and aligned with their values. This re-enchantment unfolds through several interconnected practices:

1. From Jobs to Livelihoods: DisCOs challenge the precarious nature of the modern gig economy by creating more stable and fulfilling livelihoods for their members. They offer a mix of paid work opportunities, through the Work of Sustenance (Livelihood Work), and volunteer projects, through the Work of Love (Lovework), allowing individuals to find a balance between generating income and pursuing their passions. This dual approach confronts the limitations of both the Capitalist Assemblage, with its emphasis on profit-driven labor, and the State Assemblage, with its often rigid and bureaucratic social welfare systems.

2. From Workers to DisCOnauts: DisCOs foster a sense of ownership, belonging, and shared purpose by referring to their members as “DisCOnauts,” reflecting their shared journey towards a postcapitalist future. This shift in terminology challenges the traditional power dynamics of the workplace, where workers are often seen as mere cogs in the machine, and instead emphasizes the agency, creativity, and collaborative spirit of each individual.

3. From Competition to Collaboration: DisCOs cultivate a culture of collaboration through open communication, shared decision-making, and the use of digital tools that facilitate teamwork and knowledge sharing. This collaborative ethos challenges the individualistic and competitive logic of the Capitalist Assemblage, fostering a more supportive and empowering work environment.

4. From Exploitation to Empowerment: DisCOs promote workplace democracy through horizontal governance structures, such as consensus-based decision-making and participatory budgeting, giving members a voice in shaping the direction of the organization and ensuring that everyone benefits from its success. This democratic approach directly confronts the hierarchical power structures of both the State Assemblage and the Capitalist Assemblage, empowering workers to take control of their own labor and destiny.

5. From Alienation to Purpose: DisCOs recognize and value the diverse contributions of their members, including care work, artistic expression, and the creation of common goods, understanding that true wealth lies in the collective well-being of the community. This holistic approach challenges the narrow definition of “productive” labor under the Capitalist Assemblage, allowing individuals to find meaning and purpose in their work beyond the pursuit of profit.

6. From Global Sourcing to Local Production: DisCOs prioritize local production, strengthening regional economies, and building community resilience through the Territorial Assemblage. This shift away from the globalized supply chains of the Capitalist Assemblage allows DisCOs to create more sustainable and ethical production practices, supporting local businesses and fostering a deeper connection to place.

The Re-enchantment of Work: A Postcapitalist Vision

DisCOs are not simply about creating better workplaces; they are about building a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all. By re-enchanting work and reclaiming its power to create value, build community, and foster human flourishing, DisCOs offer a glimpse of a postcapitalist world where the economy serves the needs of people and the planet. The Postcapitalist Assemblage emerges through the interconnected efforts of these DisCOs, challenging the dominant logic of capital and paving the way for a future where work is once again a source of joy, purpose, and collective well-being.

The DisCO revolution is still in its early stages, but it is gaining momentum. As more and more people wake up to the limitations of the current economic system, the appeal of a more collaborative, caring, and locally rooted approach to work is becoming undeniable. DisCOs are not just a dream; they are a tangible and inspiring example of how we can build a better future, one thread of connection, one act of collaboration, and one seed of change at a time.

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